December 28, 2007



Our beloved fat cat, Shadow, died today. We've had him for about 11 years... he was truly part of the family.

He was a great cat. Sam and I would play with him and dress him up in ridiculous clothes. Dad would always share his cereal milk with him in the morning. Mom would let him sleep on/around her face. He was a friend to all of the pets... and an even better friend to me.

I love you Shadow. I miss you already. I hope you are catching those bed mice in kitty heaven.


Andi said...

Crap- this is terrible. My favorite thing about him was his super small feet, he always looked like he shouldn't even be able to support his own weight. I am so sorry...:(

Perri said...

Meagan, I'm sorry about Shadow. It's because of him I have a really cool flashlight since everyone made such fun of my puny flashlight when we were out searching for him one night when he got out. Trying to find a black cat on a dark night with no moon and a puny flashlight - oh they all loved that. Next thing I knew, I had an awesome flashlight as a gift :)

I tagged you on my blog, but you can write 7 wierd things about Shadow if you want.

Par said...

Sorry to hear about that.
Shadow sounds like a special little kitty cat!
May Shadow be resting on sweet puffy clouds.