April 23, 2008

Meow 1 and Meow 2


Came home to this today. Cutest things ever.

April 21, 2008

Earth Day 2008

Please take a minute and ask Congress to stop global warming and to reverse the extraordinary environmental destruction that is taking place around the world. Sign the Sky Petition!

April 17, 2008

Job Applications and a Recipe

So I pause from my pile of job applications (complete with essay questions!) to bring you a delicious, new recipe that is great for leftovers.

Cuban Pork Sandwich

Hamburger buns
Yellow mustard
Leftover pork roast
Sliced deli ham
Sliced swiss cheese
dill pickle slices
2 T melted butter

For each sandwich:

Spread mustard on one half of the bun. Spread mayo on the other. Layer pork, ham, cheese, and pickles. Put buns together and flatten to about 1 inch thickness.

Brush tops of sandwich with melty butter. Cook like grilled cheese sandwich.

I don't know what makes it a Cuban sandwich, but it was surprisingly good. I had to microwave mine for 20 seconds after I grilled it to get the meat in the middle nice and warm.

April 14, 2008

Yummy Hummus

Super quick, easy, cheap, low-fat, and yummy!


1 can garbonzo beans (chickpeas), drained
1/4 c olive oil
1 small clove of garlic
1 T lemon juice
1/2 t salt
pita bread, pita chips, or veggies

Place beans, olive oil, garlic, lemon and salt into food processor. Blend on high speed, stopping to scrape sides occasionally. Blend into a uniform consistency. Store in tupperware, in fridge.

Serve with pitas, chips, veggies or whatever.

April 10, 2008

RIP Homer the Gerbil


The best gerbil ever.

I saved him from a family who wanted to get rid of him because they were tired of him. They told me I could do whatever I wanted with him... not a good thing if you are a gerbil. So I brought him home 3 years ago and he has been part of our little zoo of animals ever since.

Even though most people might think that just he's a gross little rodent, he was my little rodent... and I will miss him.

April 7, 2008

