April 14, 2008

Yummy Hummus

Super quick, easy, cheap, low-fat, and yummy!


1 can garbonzo beans (chickpeas), drained
1/4 c olive oil
1 small clove of garlic
1 T lemon juice
1/2 t salt
pita bread, pita chips, or veggies

Place beans, olive oil, garlic, lemon and salt into food processor. Blend on high speed, stopping to scrape sides occasionally. Blend into a uniform consistency. Store in tupperware, in fridge.

Serve with pitas, chips, veggies or whatever.


Anonymous said...

I generally hate hummus, but I might need to try this one. The ingredients sound tasty individually. And since I'm not going to be an official college student anymore, I need to eat healthier. I may give this a whirl (aka you need to fix me some).
