February 27, 2008

Chock Full O' Update


Lots of snow days and delays have our schedules and students in complete chaos. Mike hasn't gotten paid a lot due to the school cancellations since he is an hourly worker. So that is pretty sucky.

And then certain people I work with (who shall remain nameless) have not been doing their job, and things are getting ugly. The proverbial poo is going to hit the fan very soon I think. Things should be interesting.

Saying that I can't wait for spring break is an understatement. Only a month away!


No news on the house contract... surprise surprise. I am so over it.

Our trees, cars, and other outdoor items survived the ice storms that came through this way. Our neighbors didn't fair as lucky. They had several limbs come down, including one on their roof, and two that were mere inches away from their cars. Yikes.

We ordered seeds for our garden this spring! We're doing carrots, cucumbers, squash, spinach, peppers, leaf lettuce, and tomatoes. I'm excited to get started on this. We can start planting the spinach in mid March, but I think we're going to wait until the first of April due to all this wonky weather. I want to try out this rainwater watering system idea I have, but we shall see how the planting goes first.

Mike bought me a Fiestaware spoon rest out of the blue one day. I heart Fiestaware. And Mike.

Other news:

We've done a lot of geocaching lately. We try to get out when the weather is nice-ish. We went out and found 5 this afternoon. Much better than the other day where we looked for 6 or 7 and only found 1. We have found 39 total so far. Our enthusiasm for our new hobby has gotten both sets of parents and siblings interested too. We are planning to do some more geocaching on spring break as we make our merry way around Indiana to visit friends and family who are scattered about. Can't wait!

INDIANA BASKETBALL = AWESOME. Even though this coaching fiasco has put a damper on the season, it's got nothing to do with the amount of sheer talent that we have on the team. And once IU gets it act together and hires a decent coach and gets rid of their lousy athletic director, there will be no stopping them. GO HOOSIERS!!!

Mike and I have recently decided to "go green." I really really despise that saying. Loathe. But it gets the point across. We are both interested in actively changing our lifestyle so that we have a lower negative impact on the environment. I could go on and on about what we've been doing and how we feel about it, but I'll save that for another time. This is just an update, you know!

Um... I can't really think of anything else.

Over and out!


Sam said...

Wonky is my absolute favorite word.

Congrats on your new spoon. Freak.

You need to come geocaching with me on your spring break. I will skip class.

Have I mentioned I got Eric Gordon's autograph? Heh heh.

That is all.