February 9, 2008

Treasure Hunting


Mike and I spent the better part of our day today geocaching. It's basically a GPS treasure hunting game you play with people from all over the world. Someone creates a stash, registers it online with its GPS coordinates, and lets other people find it. Sometimes they have little treats and toys inside, sometimes it's just a piece of paper where you can write your name and the date you found it on. Wikipedia can explain it alot better than I can. Check it out if you are interested!

Today was our first time out doing this. We went looking for 6 different geocaches located in different cemeteries around our area. We figured that cemeteries would be a good place to test the waters since we could park and wonder around freely without looking too suspicious.

We didn't do too bad... we found three of them, plus another one we accidentally found while looking for another one.

Here's Mike with one of the caches. He ended up finding all them. I just took the pictures.

Here's a peek inside one. We took a compass keychain and left a squeezable rubber chicken.

Another peek. In this one we took an army man and left 2 poker chips.

This is one that only had a paper to sign. Tricksy to find something so small.

We could have probably found the others too, but one place was totally submerged in water from this week's downpour of rain, and another place had a freaky deer skeleton around the place where it was supposed to be hidden.

Once I saw that, I was out of there. Plus it was getting really dark and I didn't want to be in a creepy old cemetery at night anyways.

We had a great time today. We had perfect weather and good luck finding things. We were out at a place where we had a beautiful view of the sunset this evening. I have more pictures to post, but I'm too sleepy to work on them tonight. Another night, another post.


Perri said...

First - I love your new look of your blog. So cool.

Then I'll say that this sounds like so much fun. What a great way to spend the day together.

Andi said...

I'm so jealous- ever since I first heard of this I have wanted to try it. I bet it was a blast!!

Sam said...

I just learned about this in my tech class. You need to come up here and do it in Brown County so I can play. I bet Brown County has some good ones.

Jada said...

I have never heard of this but it sounds awesome. I really want to do that sometime!