October 7, 2007

4 Things

I got tagged by Perri, so here it is... four things about me.

Jobs I've had:

1. Kennel Assistant at a veterinarian
2. Cashier and display designer at a craft shop
3. Housekeeper
4. Teacher/Aide

Places I have lived:
1. Boonville, IN
2. Bloomington, IN
3. Um...

4. That's all.

Food I love:
1. Pasta- any kind
2. Pizza
3. Mexican food
4. Diet Coke

Websites I visit daily:
1. Bank
2. Weather.com
3. Facebook
4. Any updated blogs on my Google Reader

Places I'd rather be:
1. Visiting friends in Bloomington
2. Hawaii
3. Laid out on a beach with pina coladas (in Hawaii)
4. Snuggled in bed

Movies I love:
1. 50 First Dates
2. Talladega Nights
3. Monty Python & the Holy Grail
4. Empire Records

TV shows I watch:
1. House
2. The Office
3. CSI

People I tag:
1. My mom- who never updates her blog... slacker!
2. My sister- who writes some of the best blogs ever
3. Jada- who takes really cool pictures (I want to see more!!)
4. Heidi- who I'd love to know more about!


Anonymous said...

I've been catching up. So glad your camping trip went well. You are a trooper- I would have bailed when I saw hot how it would be, and I LOVE camping!

Congratulations on BOTH of your jobs! How awesome is that?!

Anonymous said...

And- I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the movie Empire Records. I even have the soundtrack around somewhere.