October 27, 2007

Potatoes:1 - Meagan :0

The mashed boo-tatoes didn't work.

They were supposed to look like this:
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Extremely cute and seemingly easy.

Seemingly is the key word here, people.

I totally screwed up the potatoes. I forgot to peel them, they were undercooked and wouldn't smash, and the mixer shot them all over the kitchen.

Instead of cute little ghosties, I got this:
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A really lumpy bowl of potatoes. They weren't awful, but definitely the worst batch of mashed potatoes ever.

So I'm trying it again this week. Maybe for Halloween!


Perri said...

Bummer. I was all excited to see your little ghostie potatoes. I was thinking when I saw that the other day what a fun mom you are going to be. :)

No pressure - just an observation.

Andi said...

I hate it when stuff doesn't go the way you want it to. Try again!!! I want to see them all done!