October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I'm too tired to really post anything... I shall updatetomorrow. But for now check out these incredible pumpkin carvings!

October 30, 2007

Pumpkins: Part Deux

The week of rain washed our pumpkin faces off. Aww sad times.

Until we busted out the knives! (Horror movie sounds: ree ree ree ree)

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Mike chose to stick with Laughy McDracula.

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I decided on a plain, old fashioned, scary face... perfect for a headless horseman if one should happen to come around.

They've been out like that for 2 nights in a row on our busy street without getting smashed... wonder if they'll make it to Halloween? Bets, anyone? :o)

October 27, 2007

Potatoes:1 - Meagan :0

The mashed boo-tatoes didn't work.

They were supposed to look like this:
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Extremely cute and seemingly easy.

Seemingly is the key word here, people.

I totally screwed up the potatoes. I forgot to peel them, they were undercooked and wouldn't smash, and the mixer shot them all over the kitchen.

Instead of cute little ghosties, I got this:
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A really lumpy bowl of potatoes. They weren't awful, but definitely the worst batch of mashed potatoes ever.

So I'm trying it again this week. Maybe for Halloween!

October 26, 2007

Just a few pictures

Here a few pictures that I've been working on here and there.

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My kitties. They are best friends. Not a great quality pic, but they make up for it in cuteness!

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Sunset at Wal-mart. Seriously. Look west from the parking lot and you'll see it. I cropped out that Christmas star they have on top.

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One of my favorites! That's at IU. The campus is so pretty this time of year.

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Another IU tree.

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My other favorite. Who knew roses still bloom in late October?

Chuck Norris World

Instead of doing anything productive, I stumbled across this.

Chuck Norris World.

It's so weird. It's a Mario/Sonic/Streetfighter inspired game (literally) where you are Chuck Norris. You make your way through different levels jumping on and roundhouse kicking your enemies in the face. And the sound is in French. But the subtitles are in English, except for his name. They call him Tchaqui Nouris.

And while we're on the random subject of Chuck Norris, here are some jokes about him. I love these... they crack me up! Chuck Norris Facts.

October 25, 2007


It's been an incredibly busy week, and as you can tell, I've been slacking in the blogging area.


I'll be back soon.

I promise.

On a side note, I'm making Mashed Boo-tatoes for dinner. I hope they turn out as cute as the picture!

October 19, 2007

Fall Break!

We're officially on Fall Break, the best four day weekend in the whole year! You can't ask for a better job than one that gives you weekends, summers, and random days off. God bless the school corporation. (A moment of silence for my college friends who do not get fall breaks...)

So this morning we're headed off to Bloomington, where we'll get to see friends, family, and Bob Dylan! We're only staying until tomorrow night, so we have a lot packed into two little days.

Mike is especially excited. When he woke up this morning, he said it almost felt like Christmas. Silly boy!

October 18, 2007

And the thunder rolls...

This afternoon a big line of severe storms rolled through our area, along with some pretty wicked looking clouds. I'm terrified of storms, but I just couldn't get over those clouds. I got the courage to run out and snap a few photos of some of them.

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Here it comes...

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Gloomy clouds.

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And even gloomier clouds.

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October 15, 2007

Cliche Buster...

Funny MySpace Comments
Get code for this picture Funny MySpace Comments

October 14, 2007

House Update

Bad News: No contract yet. Sigh.

Good News: Everyday we are living less and less like the Beverly Hillbillies gone to college!

Today we got curtains! Ooh la la!

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Next on our list is to get some artwork on the walls and maybe a new coffee table. We'll be headed up to Bloomington area next weekend (for the concert yaay!) so maybe we'll find something interesting up there.


Mike and I painted our pumpkins today.

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A gruesome twosome for sho!

Let's play a game! Can you guess whose pumpkins is whose?

Have you made your guess yet?
Hurry up!
Alright, time's up!

Here's Mike's creation. He named it Laughy McDracula.

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And mine. The Old Hag.

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I hope your guess was right!

I heart Halloween!

October 11, 2007

More Useless Trivia

It's been a busy week and my brain needs a vacation. But since it's only Thursday, a little useless trivia will have to do for now. Enjoy!

Rabbits love licorice.

A humpback whale's penis can be longer that 10 feet.

As a young and struggling artist, Pablo Picasso kept warm by burning his own paintings.

Tuesday is the most productive day of the work week.

Cows give more milk when they listen to music.

Peanuts are an ingredient in dynamite.

Armadillos can be house-trained.

The yo-yo originated in the Philippines, where it was used as a weapon in hunting.

Eau de cologne was originally marketed as a way of protecting yourself against the plague.

The human body contains enough iron to make a 3-inch nail.

Nintendo was established in 1889 and started out making playing cards.

From "This Book of More Perfectly Useless Information" by Mitchell Symons

October 10, 2007

Cooking Misadventures

Being the baking extrordinaire that I am, I decided to make the world's best cupcakes for my pregnant friend Andi. I've made them before, so I thought it would be a breeze to do again.


First off, I miscalculated the strength of my mixer. We got a new one as a gift for our wedding, and boy is it strong. It's like a power drill with little whisk thingies. Anyways, I forgot how strong it was and ended up shooting sugar all over the kitchen. It was like an explosion. What a mess!

After I regrouped, I kept on my merry little baking way. I made the batter, poured it in the little cupcake things, and started to put them in the oven. I took a little taste and BLEH!

I forgot the sugar. Duh.

I had to dump it all out and make it all over again.

So my new batch is in the oven, almost done. We'll see if these turn out to be the world's best cupcakes, or yet another cooking disaster by yours truly!

October 7, 2007

4 Things

I got tagged by Perri, so here it is... four things about me.

Jobs I've had:

1. Kennel Assistant at a veterinarian
2. Cashier and display designer at a craft shop
3. Housekeeper
4. Teacher/Aide

Places I have lived:
1. Boonville, IN
2. Bloomington, IN
3. Um...

4. That's all.

Food I love:
1. Pasta- any kind
2. Pizza
3. Mexican food
4. Diet Coke

Websites I visit daily:
1. Bank
2. Weather.com
3. Facebook
4. Any updated blogs on my Google Reader

Places I'd rather be:
1. Visiting friends in Bloomington
2. Hawaii
3. Laid out on a beach with pina coladas (in Hawaii)
4. Snuggled in bed

Movies I love:
1. 50 First Dates
2. Talladega Nights
3. Monty Python & the Holy Grail
4. Empire Records

TV shows I watch:
1. House
2. The Office
3. CSI

People I tag:
1. My mom- who never updates her blog... slacker!
2. My sister- who writes some of the best blogs ever
3. Jada- who takes really cool pictures (I want to see more!!)
4. Heidi- who I'd love to know more about!

Ah, the great outdoors....

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Ahh... the sun's shining, the birds are singing...

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And the Emersons' are camping.

So after work on Friday, we packed our gear and headed up to Lincoln park to camp our little hearts out. Actually, it was Mike's heart that wanted to camp. Mine wanted to be at home watching CSI, painting my toenails. I cannot stress enough that I am soooo not a camper. Or an outdoorsy type person at all, really. The only reason I was going on this trip was to appease my husband.

That being said, I didn't really have that bad of a time.

But we didn't have that great of a time either...

The possible reasons?

1. As we were unpacking the stuff at our campsite, we realized Mike forgot to load up our clothes in the jeep. Crap.

2. Deciding we could make do without our clothes for a couple days, we continued to unload the car. We shortly realize that Mike also forgot to pack all of the blankets. Double crap.

3. An hour's round trip driving home and back to get said clothes and blankets and some forgotten firewood, I cooked dinner with one knife and a plastic fork by lantern light.

4. As we were a bit tipsy that evening, we decided to go to bed and didn't think to put all of the food up properly. We found out that raccoons like chocolate. Alot. Needless to say, no smores for us.

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5. At breakfast, I made an oh so delicious omelet that I promptly dropped on the ground. I scraped the top part up and ate it anyways.

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5. It was hot, Don. Very very hot. Why is it 90 degrees in October? Why?

Despite a few (well, a more than a few) setbacks, and my pre-established feelings about camping, we did enjoy ourselves. We cooked a great campfire dinner on Friday and had a great time just talking, reading and relaxing. We brought Scout, who had the best time in the world. I think she thought she was in doggie heaven. It was fun to watch her sniff and romp around. We went on a hike on Saturday and sat by the lake for a while. It was really really nice.

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But in the end, the heat got us. We were hot and miserable. We were ready to go home.

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Even Scout was.

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So we packed up and hightailed it home where we lounged on the couch like slugs the rest of the afternoon.

Not horrible. But I don't think I'm ready to go back and do it again anytime soon...

October 5, 2007

It's Finally Happened

"I waited patiently for the LORD;
he turned to me and heard my cry."
Psalm 40:1

We have been praying for such a long time that both of us would get jobs soon. It's been hard not to get discouraged and angry about things, but we've kept our spirits up, knowing that God would answer our calls when the time was right. Well I'm happy to say that it's finally happened. I got my prayer answered last night and experienced a wonderful first day at a job I know I'm going to love. Mike's was answered this morning when he was offered an aide job and will be starting on Monday. God is truly good.

October 4, 2007



I can't believe it!! I'm so happy and thankful and I don't know what else!!!

I start at 8am tomorrow. Ill find out all my job duties then. I'm so nervous and excited!

I'm so happy I could burst!

Praise the Lord!!


A Big Day

Mike had his interview today. He's in the running to be a temporary aide to a student that has Downs Syndrome. From the interview vibes, Mike says he'd be surprised if he didn't get the job. So we're definitely hopeful about this one. We'll find out for sure sometime tomorrow.

And tonight I find out whether or not I got the aide position I applied for. I am beyond nervous. All I can do is distract myself from staring at the phone.

How cool would it be if we both got jobs in the next 24 hours? I'm so anxious.... ahhhhhh!

I'll let you know how it all goes down. But for now, I'm off to start packing for our little camping adventure this weekend... I'll let you know how that works out too.

October 3, 2007

Romping Grounds

Mike and I both had the morning off, so we decided to take Scout outside to play. We like to take her to an empty field by the cemetary near our house where there is lots of space to run and romp.

Here she is running...
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And romping...
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Running and romping makes for a happy dog!
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And a happy dog makes for a happy owner!
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Which makes for a pretty great morning!

October 2, 2007

A peek into my kitchen

Today I waged war on my house and cleaned every room top to bottom. Since I was doing that, I decided to go the extra mile and get my kitchen back in order from all of the painting and stuff. Although there is still a little paint tape up since we still have to do some touch ups, and no curtains yet, I can honestly say it looks much much much better than before. See for yourself!

First off, the table area.

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Glaring white walls. Bunny foo foo wall border. A random blue bucket on the table. Not a pretty sight.

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Much better, see? Nice bright walls, a new ceiling fan, and a shelf with some of my fiestaware. I heart fiestaware.

Alright... next is the actual kitchen area... this is where the magic happens.

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The bunny foo foos are back. Really, not too shabby, just white, cluttered and messy.

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Ooh la la! More color, less clutter. Even Ringo is enjoying the cleanness.

October 1, 2007

Good News

Mike got a random call today from our tri-county special education cooperative asking him to come in for an interview. Apparently the head hauncho at the school corporation recommended Mike to them. We are both pretty amazed. We had no idea there was even a job opening. I guess he made a good impression on the right people during his interview a few weeks ago... that can't be a bad thing!! He is going to call them tomorrow to get some more info on the job and to schedule a time to come in. Hooray for possible surprise job happenings!