August 20, 2007

Recipe of the Week

A wise man (no wait, I think it was 50 Cent) once said, "I love you like a fat kid loves cake." Well I must be that fat kid because I love cake. A lot. The only thing I love more than cake are cupcakes. I can't resist a tiny little cake mini me. Tonight the cupcake monkey was on my back, so I decided to try out a new recipe I've had my eye on for awhile.

The Black Bottom Cupcake

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(Excuse the crappy picture)

Don't they look good? I was surprised how pretty they looked... just a simple little black and white cupcake. The best thing about these cupcakes is that they don't need any icing since they have a kind of gooey filling inside, perfect for those who aren't frosting fans. It passed the Mike test too, with flying colors. He ate two in rapid succession, declaring them a 10 out of 10. Success! But bewarrrre, they are super rich and you gain 5 lbs by just looking at one.

The Black Bottom Cupcake

1-1/2 c flour
1 c sugar
1/4 c cocoa
1 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
1 c water
1/3 c vegetable oil
1 T vinegar
1 t vanilla

8 oz cream cheese
1/3 c sugar
1 egg
dash of salt
1 cup chocolate chips

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Put cupcake liners in your cupcake pan. Spray liners with cooking spray.
2. Make filling. Cream the cream cheese and sugar. Mix in egg and salt until smooth. Stir in chocolate chips, then set aside.
3. Make batter. Sift together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, and salt. Add water, oil, vinegar, and vanilla and mix well.
4. Fill each cupcake liner a little more than 1/2 way full with batter.
5. Drop a generous spoonful of filling on top of each cupcake. (Mine was a very generous spoonful.)
6. Bake for 20-25 minutes. About 10 minutes into baking, sprinkle cup cakes tops with extra chocolate chips for extra gooeyness. (The toothpick test doesn't work very well with these cupcakes. I had a tough time deciding when they were done because I live and die by the toothpick in the cake test. I had to just eye it the last 5 minutes.)

We ate ours "cupcake ala mode." Because the only thing I love more than cupcakes, are cupcakes with ice cream...


Anonymous said...

I want one. :(

Jada said...

oh my...those look and sound so

Mandy said...

My mom has made those for years and years but she has a new recipe that has pudding mix in it and the only thing that makes these even better is the pudding in them!