January 3, 2008

The Contract Saga Continues...

Well folks, I believe we have made some headway.

On the house-buying, that is.

Our landlady is apparently "taking tomorrow off work so she can finish the contract." Exact words there. Hooray!

Mike called her today to ask about things. He also told her that we have a small leak behind our shower. He told her that he could fix it, but wanted to sign the contract first, since it's technically not our responsibility to do deal with yet. I think that may have nudged her on a little more than just another update call.

So she is supposed to be coming by sometime this weekend to talk to us.

And to sign away her house. To us. Homeowners, finally.

I'm trying to be realistic about the situation still... not getting my hopes up...not counting my chickens before they hatch. But honestly, people, I've been counting these chickens since June. I am beyond excited! Thoughts of remodeling and decorating have been dancing through my head once again, and I am now secretly pricing dishwashers.

So I suppose now we just wait and see what happens.

And keep adding money to that dishwasher fund :o)