January 2, 2008

My New Year Resolutions

1. Read at least 2 books a month.
This will be an enjoyable resolution for me! I love to read, but rarely have time to do it. Maybe a deadline in the back of my mind will help motivate myself.

2. Get our finances in order.
We've already started working on this a bit, but I would like to get everything better organized and create a budget we will actually stick to. Also on the list is to pay off our credit card and add to our savings.

3. De-Clutter.
When Mike and I moved in together 2 years ago, we had a collision of my stuff and his stuff. It was everywhere and it was awful for the first several months. We've really done well by getting rid of a lot of it since moving away from IU. But still, and especially since the wedding, we've got a bunch of junk that we really don't need or use anymore. Time for it to go!

3. Worry less.
I've tagged this on to every new year resolution list I've made since I was like 12. Haven't really made much progress on this one, but maybe 2008 is the year!

Care to share any of your interesting resolutions?