January 27, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday, Sam!

My sister turned 21 this week. She came home this weekend to celebrate it with the family. Mom made her a Thanksgiving dinner in January and I made her a cake.

I told her I'd make her any kind of cake that she wanted. A fancy one... a themed one... whatever she desired . She requested a cake based off her favorite show, The Office. A Dwight Cake.

This is what she got. The Schrute Buck Cake.


Not as impressive as the volcano cake or Candy Mountain (I'll post about these another time), but not too shabby.


Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

Hi, I stumbled upon your blog and had to comment on the Shrute-cake! Too funny.
I enjoyed my visit, and the background for your page is great!

Best wishes~