January 11, 2008


Surprisingly, unexpectedly, miraculously... today was a great day at work. I rarely have a great day there... I mean, I love all the kiddos and usually enjoy what I do, but most times the other junk gets in the way. Don't even get me started...

Anyways, today I was asked to take over the DIBELS lessons for the first grade classes that come into our room. DIBELS is the "in" reading program at the moment which works on beginning reading skills. So being in charge of that means I get to plan lessons and teach to 2 groups of 10 first graders for 30 minutes each.

Now that may not seem like much to most people, but this is like a major promotion to me. No, I don't get paid any more than I do now, but for someone who is sometimes painfully over-qualified to do this job, it's like hitting the jackpot.

And when I say I'm over-qualified, I'm not being snotty... it's the truth. Seriously, my job for the last week has been cutting out shapes, laminating cards, and doing lunch line duty. That gets old really fast. I really don't need a college degree and a teaching license to do that. But it is a job and a stepping stone to a teaching job. So this is my chance for a breath of fresh air and a challenge that will keep me from getting bored and will give me more experience for a real teaching job in the future.

And on top of that, I was given compliments today. I mean, I know I'm good at my job. Again, not being snotty, but it's something I pride myself on. But sometimes it just feels really good to hear your boss say it.

And it's now the weekend... could it get any better?


Sam said...

Good for you! I know you're not being snotty... you are super super over-qualified for that job. You didn't work hard for that degree for nothing. I hope that teacher realized what a resource he has and utilizes you more this year. If not, let me know, and I'll kick him in the groin.

That's what sisters are for anyways, right?