November 17, 2007

Christmas Came Early!

Instead of buying each other gifts for Christmas, Mike and I decided to pool the money we would have used, plus any other Christmas money we get, to buy something we've been dreaming about owning for a long time.

And being the impatient, highly excitable people we are, we went out and bought it today...

Here it is!!!

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It's a 42" LCD super awesome tv. Mike was actually skipping down the aisles at Walmart as we were buying it.

We hooked it up and it's amazing. We broke it in by watching IU beat Purdue at the last minute in football. It was so clear we could actually see the players sweat and the Purdue fans cry. Well, I made that last part up, but if they showed the Purdue fans, I'm sure we would have been able to see the tears.

Best present ever! Merry Christmas to us!


Heidi Kellems said...

That's so nice!! I am happy for ya!

Andi said...

Jacob is just gonna die when he sees this.