November 4, 2007

Drat you, time change!!!

So we woke up, showered, got ready, etc. to go to church this morning at our usual time. As we were putting our shoes on and taking the dog out, I happened to walk by our digital cable box and saw the time. The following was my internal dialouge.

"9:15? That's not right. It's 10:15. Wait. It is 10:15, isn't it? Am I going crazy? Oh wait, it IS 9:15. Time change! Drat you, time change!"

It's just a good thing our cable box changes on its own! So now we're enjoying our extra our before church. Mike is cooking bacon and I'm browsing for Christmas present ideas on the internet. I'm kind of disappointed that we didn't get the triumphant sleep in... I love that smug feeling... the feeling like I've beat the time system or something. But it could have been worse. We could have sprung ahead and totally missed everything this morning. Or work tomorrow. EEK! Someone was smart to declare the time change on Sundays... a dum dum mistake buffer of sorts!


Perri said...

Last Sunday you overslept, this Sunday you get up early -- next Sunday.... we can hope for on time.