November 23, 2007

Happy Early Birthday to Me!

My sister is the most impatient gift-giver ever.

She went out shopping for my birthday present today, found it, and brought it straight over to me, even though my birthday is only a mere 7 hours away. Impatient, but I'm not complaining!

She knew we've been looking everywhere for some neat stuff to put on our walls, so she got me these! Cool, huh?
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We hung them over the fireplace and they look awesome. Now we just need to find something for that middle spot.
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Mike is taking me out shopping tomorrow, then we're heading over to my parents' for a birthday supper and perhaps a movie. Fun fun!


Sam said...

I'm glad you likey. And this is why I can't shop for your Christmas present until closer to time... or you would've gotten it today too.

Anonymous said...

You might want a nice wintery wreath that could work up until February or so. Lots of cool sales after Christmas, you could find something cheaper than now. Cheryl K