November 13, 2007


I've been a bad blogger recently. It's just I've had other things on my mind.

Warning: venting about to occur...

I've been stressed about my job... it seems I was hired in the middle of a office political hail storm. I still LOVE working with the kids, but the snarkiness is getting old and it seems I'm having to pick up a lot of the slack.

I've been stressed about the dance team. I've had to suspend two girls from the team due to grades, and now the routine has fallen apart. And to top it off I've had to deal with snarkiness from a parent. Principal involved snarkiness. Oh my.

We had Marley neutered/declawed/vaccinated yesterday. That was a large chunk of change and was I worried about him because we took him to a different vet due to cost issues with our regular one. My normal love bug of a cat is kind of grumpy and shaved in awkward places, but all in all he's doing fine.

We also had to switch Mike's car insurance because his policy with his parents is over. We've been fighting for two days over it because Mike agreed to coverage that is waaay too expensive for what we are getting. Not only agreed, but put a 2 month down payment on it. Now I have to get my dad to help fix it because it seems that Mike can't manage to do it himself. Sigh.

And to make things worse, I'm out of my medicine that helps me deal with stress. So all these stressors that most people could easily deal with seems like huge, monstrous ordeals to me and I end up falling to pieces over everything. I go to the doctor on Friday, but for the last week I've been falling apart over stupid little things. And the thing is I know they are stupid... I just can't help it. I'd say I'm somewhere between a nervous break down and a horribly foul mood. Friday never seemed so far away.

Venting complete.

So in conclusion, I'm a nutcase who hasn't had time to blog. But I promise I'll do better! New recipe coming soon!


Heidi Kellems said...

Stress Stinks (putting it nicely here)! The politics of some places are stink. I hope the kids can help you enjoy them to keep you distracted from the adult stupid stuff.

Sam said...

I'm not coming home until you get some drugs in you.

I feel you 120% on the dance team. Guard isn't always fun... especially when parents stick their nose in our business. And it's a whoooole lot of work that no one really realizes. Next time someone gives you crap... send them my way. I'm an old pro at dealing with crappy crap parents.

Poor Marley. At least you can be grumpy together. And at least you aren't an it.

We all know Mike needs to be smacked around from time to time.

Finally, remember us Alveys are perfectionists... so even when we fall below our best sometimes, it's still better than most can do. Don't let work get you down. People just don't have enough to do, so they make issues. And just because you're a youngin, don't let them walk all over you... a job isn't worth being miserable. And a new one will come along soon anyways. Just think... temporary!

Okay, I think I'm done. From on stressed freak to another... things will get better with turkey.

Anonymous said...

I love my PERFECT girls! I am not a type A personality but you people are all stressing me!