November 9, 2007

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

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Today we had the afternoon off work, so I decided to do some heavy duty Christmas shopping. Some may think I'm crazy, others might think I'm ultra-prepared. But really, I just really really really hate the Christmas crowds. They make me irrationally angry. Irrational anger is not a good thing for me, so I try to get it done as quickly and as soon as possible.

I got a lot done today. We got Mike's entire family and my mom's side of the family's presents bought and wrapped. All I have left to get is my parents' and sister's presents, and of course, Mike's.

Not too shabby for only being Nov. 9.


Perri said...

From one crowd hatin', early shopper to another, I say Way to Go!

Mine is all done and wrapped. no stress here :)

Sam said...

I hope that little kitty to the right is for me!

"Marley Ringo Marley Ringo" in Who voice.