September 13, 2007

And so it begins...

We have officially started working on the house. We contacted our landlord and got the okay to paint our walls. Apparently she really is working on a contract for us (hooray!) and we can go ahead and start fixing the place up. So our first project is the living room. Mike wanted to fix a leak in the bathroom... but our new couch needs a pretty room to live in first, right?

Anyways, the seemingly straight forward job of painting a couple of walls has grown into quite a project. Our walls are gross and bumpy, so we have to sand, spackle, and wash everything down before we paint. So my day off of work today has been deemed prep day. Mike helped out for a while, but then he had to leave for work. So here I am alone.... with power tools.

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Yes. Scary, I know.

I know nothing of power tools. I was the girl who dropped my shop class because I was scared of them. Mike must have faith in me, but I think he might be a little too trusting. Just look at me... I've been using my sunglasses as safety goggles. Stylish, maybe. A handy man, I'm not so sure.


Andi said...

Yeah! Home improvement on YOUR home (wall, almost.)

Loving the "goggles".