September 1, 2007

Swamp Thing 1 & 2

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While browsing our local Walmart today, I came across some facial mud masks that I decided to buy. When I got home, I tested it out and then promptly begged Mike to let me put some on him too. To my surprise, he didn't even protest against it for that long. He's either a good sport, or he just got it over with because he knew I'd eventually wear him down.

I also bought a pair of these babies while I was there.

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Pardon me for posting panties, but I thought they were hilarious.

PS- I really hate the word panties. I just couldn't resist the alliteration.


Andi said...

Panties= gross word. Though those ARE really cute.

Perri said...

I knew Andi would have to say something about you using THAT word.

Anonymous said...
