September 19, 2007

It's here!

It's here! It's here! I never thought I'd be so excited about a piece of furniture!

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Absolutely fabulous.

Most of the living room work is done. The walls are painted and most of the physical labor is done. We rearranged some things and got rid of some clutter. We still need to get curtain, better wall art, other non-ghetto furniture, etc. but all in good time.

Here's a before and after.

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Before. What a sad sad white little room.

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After! So much better! Notice Scout has already claimed her spot by the window.

We're in the works of doing the kitchen too. We put in a new ceiling fan and painted in there too. I'll post pictures of that once it's finished. But for now, I am going to lounge on the couch and watch CSI. Ahhhh, feels good!


Perri said...

We love it! Pretty wall color

Perri & Jacob

Jada said...

what a difference a little color makes! I love it!

P.S. our animals all love that same part of the couch.

Staci said...

Looks great!!

Trin said...

It looks great!! Awesome job...It really brightens the room...I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Wow guys that looks awesome!!! I am so jealous, I want a new couch! See you guys next weekend!


Melissa said...

I love the wall color!!!!! and the couch