September 8, 2007

Our New Couch!

We made our first official grown up major credit card purchase this afternoon. After about 2 hours of stretching out and reclining on various types of furniture, we finally decided on a super comfy, micro suede sectional. It comes with a stain protection plan and will fit perfectly into the weird layout of our living room. It will be delivered here on Sept 19... I'm so excited I can hardly wait!

So without further adieu, meet our new couch!

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Think of all the Colts game action that baby is about to get!

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This one shows the color a bit better.

As soon as we are able, we are going to paint the living room walls blue with a grayish tone to it and do window treatments. I can't wait to get rid of all of our old mismatched college furniture and have some color on the walls! And of course, Mike is pushing for a fancy new TV with a surround sound system. It will definitely all have to been done in (tiny) baby steps, but at least we have an awesome couch on the way to get us started!


Staci said...

You will absolutely ADORE this couch, especially how easily it cleans up! Also, you will want to claim that corner spot became a point of contention here, but I won! LOL Let me know what you use that one end for...the one without a back...mine tends to just gather mail, remote controls, etc...ENJOY

Andi said...

I'm sure Jada will tell you this- but that is just like thier couch, and I want it bad. It is the coolest.

Yeah- games at your house soon.


Jada said...

It is my couch!!! haha....and I must tell you...I LOVE IT!!!! It's quite possibly my favorite thing about our apartment. And I agree..the corner gets fought over a LOT my Ben and I. It's perfect for cuddling though! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do

MEAGAN said...

Wow, love all the reviews!! Now I'm super super excited to get it!

Staci said...

I think we've started a trend...suddenly our couch is the cool couch to have!!! We could have our very own couch clique! J/K but congrats again on the awesome purchase...and oh yes...ditto on the cuddling corner!

Melissa said...

I want! I want!! That's the one I want!! Maybe if we all go there and order one we could get a group discount :)~