September 17, 2007

Bad but not suprising news...

Mike got a call from the school corporation tonight confirming our suspicions... he did not get the aide job that he interviewed for last week.

Le boo.

The personnel head honcho gave him the ol' "keep trying, get your name out to the principals and get your foot in the door" speech. Blah blah blah. We get it already. Unfortunately that technique hasn't been working well for us so far. But he did get an interview... so I guess that's something!!

Mike was kind of bummed out, or frustrated, or something. I told him that it means he is supposed to go on to do bigger and better things and we just have to be patient enough to let things work themselves out. I just wish those things would happen a little faster and we'd have a little more patience with all of this!

So I'm off to make my hardworking hubby a nice bowl of ice cream to ease frustrations. Maybe the next interview phone call he gets will have better news for him.


Perri said...

Bummer. That means it just wasn't right fro him. Something will come along.

Anonymous said...

Tell Mike I said sorry and that I hope he gets something soon. Also how are the home renovations going??? Haven't lost a finger to any power tools yet have you?

Staci said...

Ditto Perri! Erick did the job hunting thing very recently and had the American General thing kinda fall into his lap. God will put Mike where he is supposed to be. We'll pray!!

Andi said...
