September 25, 2007

It never rains, but it pours...

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Oh rain.

My flowers desperately needed it. But unfortunately in these parts a steady downpour will knock your power right out. Instead of an afternoon spent watching CSI, surfing the internet and eating ice cream on our glorious couch, I sat in a dark house... for 3 hours. I ended up taking some pictures around the house, playing with the dog, and reading a book that is just so-so right now instead. And I did still have the ice cream. Then I went over to my church's little cooking class and sampled some yummy camping food. Now I have a few ideas for our own camping trip in a couple of weeks (which I may or may not be dreading). So a nice little day off despite the power outage... I'm just thankful our basement didn't flood!!

Here's another view of those gloomy clouds. I had to sneak out between rain showers to snap this shot.

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