August 30, 2007

What a Good Book!

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Although I love to read, it's not often that I find a book that I just really really enjoy. And usually I would rather stab my eyes out than read a sappy love story, but this book was different. It was so original and poignant and somewhat of a challenge to read. And it made me sob uncontrollably at the end.

Here's a better review that I could ever give...

"Henry De Tamble, a rather dashing librarian at the famous Newberry Library in Chicago, finds himself unavoidably whisked around in time. He disappears from a scene in, say, 1998 to find himself suddenly, usually without his clothes, which mysteriously disappear in transit, at an entirely different place 10 years earlier-or later. During one of these migrations, he drops in on beautiful teenage Clare Abshire, an heiress in a large house on the nearby Michigan peninsula, and a lifelong passion is born. The problem is that while Henry's age darts back and forth according to his location in time, Clare's moves forward in the normal manner, so the pair are often out of sync. But such is the author's tenderness with the characters, and the determinedly ungimmicky way in which she writes of their predicament [...] that the book is much more love story than fantasy. It also has a splendidly drawn cast, from Henry's violinist father [...] to Clare's odd family and a multitude of Chicago bohemian friends. [...] It is a fair tribute to her skill and sensibility to say that the book leaves a reader with an impression of life's riches and strangeness rather than of easy thrills." from

The wife's thoughts and feelings about her husband echo many of the feelings I have about my own husband. And this book made me realize how precious time is and how lucky I am to get to be with the person I love so much every single day. So if you want a good read and a good cry, this book is definitely for you!