August 28, 2007

A better day...

Today was a complete 180 from the day I had yesterday. (I almost put 360, but that didn't make a lick of sense...)

I subbed again for the same teacher I did yesterday, so I fixed the lesson problem without anyone knowing what a ding dong I am.

I'm booked to work for the rest of the week and 3 days next week already. Sweet!

There was no vomit in my general vicinity today.

I did not get pulled over. (I made extra long stops at all of the signs today just to be safe.)

And I bought a new shirt and super cute pocket calendar just because I wanted them.

Life is good again.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh pocket calendar. I am super jealous. I'm extra glad you could fix your ding dong mistake... I know that had to be a huuuuge relief for you.

Perri said...

Quit talking about ding dongs unless you intend on making me one!

I bet you like the big ol mess and I'm thinking Tuesday sounds a whole lot better.

Andi said...

For a minute I read that you bought a shirt that came with a pocket calculator, and I was lile
HA! What a loser!

But that was just me not being able to read... sniff...sob,