August 30, 2007

House Contract Update

Well Mike talked to our landlord about buying the house again last night. It's the first time we've heard from her in about a month and a half. Apparently she is "still working" on the contract for us. Pssssh. Whatever. This was all supposed to be done by June. I believe she's trying to back out of the deal, which is fine, but I wish she'd just tell us!!

So for now, Mike and I have put our house flipping dreams on hold and are exploring other options. We've been browsing other houses in the area, but the problem is that we have very little credit history so the banks are not going to want to give us a loan. So we decided to focus on boosting our credit and maybe in a year or so, if this house contract deal falls through, we will be able to qualify for a loan and buy a house! We were approved for our first credit card this week and have plans to open a joint savings account the first day we both have off from work. With all of that and steady work throughout the year, our prospects will look a lot better next summer. That's the plan at least. We still really hope we can buy the house we're in, but we're not putting all our eggs in one basket.

Now I must get ready for work. I go in at 11:30 today, which was exciting for me because I got to sleep late this morning! Hooray!!!!


Andi said...

If you want a really crappy house- there is one for sale RIGHT NEXT TO US! But you don't want it. It's gross. It would be fun though, wouldn't it?

Perri said...

maybe somebody told her she was crazy for offering you guys such a good deal!