August 20, 2007

A-camping we will go

I just made reservations for our little camping trip in October. I, not liking to be too hot or too cold or too anything uncomfortable, am not an avid camper. Mike, on the other hand, would sleep outdoors by a fire every night if I would let him. We have never seen eye to eye about it... every time Mike would mention going camping, I would openly hiss and growl at the thought of going. I hate being cold when I sleep. I hate smelling like a campfire. I hate peeing in the woods. Plus I've had several not so fun camping experiences in my past. But being the good little wife I am, I told him that I'd give it another try just for him. So I reserved a campsite at Lincoln State Park for 2 nights during the first week of October. I'm hesitant about it all, but I'm kind of excited. There's lots of trails, canoe rentals, and we could bring Scout if we wished to do so... I like all of that. It's especially nice because it's pretty close to where we live, so if things go too terribly awry, we can always go home and sleep in our nice warm bed. Mike's really pushing for the dog to come, but I don't know if I can handle the great outdoors and a crazy dog all at the same time. So now I have a month and a half to brush up on my survival skills and gather supplies, then a-camping we will go!


Andi said...

It's a great place to camp, and we always sneak over and use the expensive campgrounds showers.

The cupcakes looked great!