August 11, 2007

A Visit

Mike's mom has been in town for a visit the last couple of days, so we've spent a lot of time hanging out with her. We didn't do anything particularly exciting, but we still had a surprisingly good time. Yesterday evening we met up with her at her hotel after she checked in and swam for a bit in the warmest outdoor pool I have ever been in. We didn't stay in too long just because it felt like we were swimming in a giant chlorinated bathtub. After we got cleaned up, we browsed the mall for a while, then drove her around on a tour of Evansville. We eventually stopped at the river front and sat down there for a while. We got there at the perfect time to watch the sun set over the water. I think we all really enjoyed that part of the evening. Here are some pictures.

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Sunset over the water

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Mike and his Momma

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I heart him.

After our stop at the river, we all decided we were hungry. She took us out for dinner and drinks at Firefly, Mike and I's all-time favorite restaurant. We had a wonderful time and some really great food there. After dinner, we went back to the hotel for some after hours swimming and said our goodbyes.

Mike woke up early and went golfing with her this morning. I opted out, seeing how it's about 100 degrees outside and I hate golf. Actually loathe is probably a better word for it. Instead I enjoyed a lazy morning of sleeping late and playing with the dog. She stopped by here for just a bit before she headed back to Columbus to say goodbye and brought us a fancy-schmacy bottle of wine that came from the part of France she had recently visited. I'm really excited to try it, but we decided to save it for a special occasion. So now I have to come up with a reason to celebrate soon!

All in all, a really great visit. Now it's time to get ready for our shindig tonight. I'll post more about that later!


Andi said...

So glad you had such a good time!

Hope you have a reason to celebrate soon!