August 14, 2007

PukeFest 2007

Well Mike and I caught it... the dreaded stomach virus that has been running rampant in these parts. We were hoping to avoid it, but no such luck. Mike woke up around 12 am on Monday morning puking spectacularly, with me close behind, starting in around 2 am. Let me tell you, this thing is wicked. I don't think I have ever been this sick. We both puked for about 5 hours straight, along with many other unmentionable things happening. I'll spare you the details, but I'll just say it was by the grace of God that it worked out having only one bathroom, although Mike thought he was going to have to run outside at one point. After the vomiting stopped, the excruciating, indescribable pain in our backs and joints began. I was so sick yesterday that I couldn't even make it to the computer, and that's saying a lot coming from this internet junkie. I don't know what kind of sickness is going around, but it must have originated from the depths of Hell to make anyone feel this bad. A little over 24 hours later, I'm feeling much better, but still have a really achy back and a slightly queasy stomach. Mike is venturing to work today because they are running low on staff members, but I'm sure he'd be much better off staying home in bed another day.

Now my sister and mom both have it. Sam is thankfully on the upswing of her virus and Mom is in the middle of hers. She spent her 25th wedding anniversary puking her guts up and feeling like death. What a celebration! Jada has it too and Andi's whole clan was out absent from church on Sunday. So far, my dad has dodged the bullet... he is the only one out of the entire group of people at the bonfire the other night who hasn't gotten it yet. Hope it stays that way!

So I'm off to lay out on the couch, eat some noodle soup, feel sorry for myself some more, and hoping whoever is reading this stays far from me and my loved ones for their own safety.