August 5, 2007

New Desk!

Today on a whim I decided to head to Evansville with Mom and Sam to buy some school supplies and to look at a new desk for Mike's computer. Sam got some good deals on her school stuff and Mom stocked up on pencil sharpeners for her classroom. While striking out with desks at Staples (the one I wanted was sold out of course!), we dashed over to Office Depot and found one that was just perfect.

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Here's the macho man. It took him less than an hour to put together... he's becoming quite the handy man. PS- please ignore the very messy room.

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Here's the finished product, in all it's glory.

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And here's Mike, enjoying his new desk. What a happy guy!

And I'm a happy girl... I pirated the old desk for my little computer so it didn't have to live in the living room anymore. We rearranged the whole back uuroom to make an office with dueling computers. I like it a lot better this way... it's actually a useful room now! Woo hoo!


Mandy said...

That desk looks awesome! I seen it at Staples here a while back but at $169 it was a little pricey for me. So I got a smaller one and lets just say it's not as nice

Anonymous said...

I swear Jacob and I both bought that exact desk when we first got married. It worked great! Not to mention, it's cute, cute, cute!