August 16, 2007

Mrsiss Alverson????

So for my sub job yesterday, I went back to my favorite school where I worked a lot last year. Most of the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade kiddos know me there, so it was great to see them all again and they were happy to see me. Funny part was, they all knew I was getting married over the summer, so they knew my name was supposed to change, but didn't really know what they were supposed to call me. I got all sorts of puzzled looks and worried whispers, and finally a brave student would come up to me every once in a while and ask, "What is your name now? What do we call you?" With a big smile, I told them not to worry, they could call me by either name and I would answer. A look of relief would wash over their face and they would scamper off to their little group of friends and relay the news. One kid decided I should just combine my last names into Alverson and be done with it... I told them it was a good idea in theory, but then I'd just have 3 names to be confused with instead of two. They thought hard about it for a second and then decided I should just stick with my old name, "because you'll always be Miss Alvey to me!" Aww, I love some of those kids!

I'm really lucky to be able to spend most of my sub days at that school because I'm able to get to know the students a little better, which makes my job a lot easier in the end. I already know their names and personalities, and in turn, they already know that I'm nice and laid back and like to give out free hugs, but they also know they shouldn't mess around with me... they fear my whistle and my demerit giving powers. Not a bad deal at all.


Andi said...

I'm glad your day back went so well, your kids sound sweet!

Anonymous said...

Waaahaaaa! I like the demerit giving powers.

Anonymous said...

I love them. I want one... perhaps a Christmas gift? Just not the cheeseburger. I like the random sayings best.

So I became large????

Anonymous said...

Ignore comment. I posted on the wrong one.