August 2, 2007

New Camera!

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I asked my dad if I could borrow one of his cameras to experiment with and he flat out gave me one of his old ones and a bunch of memory cards. It's only a few years old, 5 megapixels with a great zoom and it is AWESOME!! And so is my dad! :o) I'm still getting the hang of it, but here's what I was able to do today.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
One of my favorite subjects. I was using the sepia mode on the camera. So cool!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I heart photoshop. I cropped and sharpened him up, and really worked alot on his eyes. Gives a totally different feel to the photo... not too shabby.

I'm excited about my new hobby... can you tell?


Anonymous said...

Marley looks like Aslan here.

Andi said...

Meg- I'm thinking you should join me in the design world!

Anonymous said...

Good words.