August 28, 2007

A Dog Blog Just For Sam

Daaaaa, hi Sam. It's me, Buddy.

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Meggie told me that you were missing me! Daaaa I miss you too! I hope they are giving you lots of treats while you are getting smart at obedience school. Can you roll over yet? I hope that you come visit me soon. But don't worry about me, I am having lots of fun here at home.

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Here's Chewy sticking out his tongue at me. You will pay, cat.

Here's that bone stealing friend of mine.

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We like to play. Wanna watch? (Caution, we doggies are loud. So are the humans.) Notice that Mom sounds like a man when we jump on her. She's so funny!

Here's me again. Daaaa, don't I look regal?

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And again.

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I hate to tell you...

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but that creepy leprechaun is back... and he's a remote control hog... he won't let me watch Animal Planet.

And those darn dinosaurs have migrated to the piano.

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Well I'm tired from my puppy romp. I'm going to go lay on doggie island and have a nice late night doggie nap until they let me go to bed. I hope those dinos don't keep me awake playing Chopsticks again.

Daaaaa, night night sister!

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Anonymous said...

*sobs* I miss you Buddy!!!!

Perri said...

Your momma did sound like a man - pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

Darn those dinosaurs! They're always into something! ( Of course, that was said in my manly voice)