August 12, 2007

The Face of Fear

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This is what you see when you jump out from a dark hallway and scare my mom. This has long been a favorite game of my family, but this is the first time we've captured the look of sheer terror on her face. I end up laughing hysterically every time I even think about this picture. Haha, I love you Mom!


Anonymous said...

Thank you. You have brightened the entire world. I seriously can't stop laughing when I even think about it. So good.

Jada said...

oh my gosh, this might possibly be the funniest thing I've seen in a really long time. Thanks Meg for a great laugh!

Trin said...

LOL, best picture ever!!

Perri said...

I thought she just realized that she was next in line for the stomach bug.

Hope you guys feel better soon!

Heidi Kellems said...

LOL I HAVE to ask did she pee her pants LOL?!?!?! I think I probably would have.