August 1, 2007

Photoshop 101

I've been messing with Photshop a little bit, trying to figure out how to improve my pictures (without having to get a new camera, of course). It's a bit tricky to figure out what to do, but I think I'm slowly getting it. Here are a few things I've played around with today... I'll show you the before and after pictures. They aren't super great, but it's a start!

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He's cute and all, but kind of faded... and look at those cobwebs outside of the window... the horror!

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Now he's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I cloned the cobwebs out (whew!) and cropped it down a bit.

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Aren't we cute? This is our engagement picture. I don't love it because you can see the roots of my hair a little too well.

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Now we look glowy and angelic. I softened the gradient and the black and white took care of those heinous roots!

And finally... my favorite...

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My own little Bunny Foo Foo. Doesn't he look sad?

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I changed the color saturation to make his face pop a bit more. Just look at those baby blues... makes you almost forget about the bunny ears. Almost.

That's all I have for now. These are nothing special, just playing around, but hopefully a start to a new hobby.


Perri said...

I love the bunny ears. He should wear them more often.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous. I want photoshop. Then I want you to teach me to use it.

Also, if Mike were a superhero... his superpower would be entrancing people with his blue eyes... then shooting lasers out of them. They'd never see it coming.

Andi said...

yeah- Mike's eyes are something else. I always feel like he is about to steal my soul. Weird, huh?

Photoshop is the BEST. It's what convinced me that I wanted to do what I do!

Jada said...

Love the bunny ears. Also the I love what you did with the engagement pic. Very nice!