August 27, 2007

Oh, Mondays

Today I went to work at one of my favorite schools. Things were looking up... I got to work in a Special Education classroom that only had 2 students. The students were a first and a second grader. We worked on measuring and adding, and some reading lessons. A nice easy day.


I was struck with a case of the Mondays.

First off, I screwed up and gave each student the wrong reading lesson. You'd think since there were only 2 of them I could keep them straight, but no. I couldn't fix the mistake either because I realized it waaaay too late. Crap.

Then I found out I had cafeteria duty, a job that consists of prowling the lunchroom controlling wild hooligans and opening ketchup packets. No sweat... I've done that a thousand times before. Plus that means I don't have outside recess duty where I'll get hot and icky and all together irritable. So everything goes well, until then end of my shift. As I'm dismissing kids to empty their trays, one kid pukes directly into his lap.


I run over to him and help clean him up enough to go to the nurse. I handed him towels, baby wipes, and trash bags. But he was only a first grader and wasn't able to really help himself too much. That's where the good ole universal precautions training kicked in. I suited up in my big gloves and spent most of my lunch hour helping him clean up as much as I could, then sent him on his little way to the nurse. Needless to say, I chose not to eat lunch due to my close encounter of the puking kind Bleh.

After school, somewhere on my way home, I apparently failed to make a complete stop at a stop sign. Mr. Copper decides to pull me over. I didn't realize this until I had pulled into my own driveway, started to get out of my car and noticed the police cruiser pulled up behind me with his lights flashing for all my neighbors to see.

(fill in you favorite cuss word here)

He was really a nice police officer though, much different than the last time I was pulled over. When he asked for my license and registration, he saw my dad's unusual first name (Autis) and asked me about it. He talked to me awhile about names in my family, then wondered back to his car to punch in my info. Thankfully (very very thankfully) he returned with only a verbal warning to drive a little more carefully.

When I got into the house, I put my stuff down, took the dog out, then walked to the couch to get ready to take a very long nap to escape this bout of the Mondays. Oh, but no such luck. I walked directly into a very large house plant that had been knocked upside down and ground into the carpet by one of the beasts in the house (my money's on Marley Cat... the terrorizing kitten of doom).

After the cleaning, I proceeded to take my nap. Success!

Really, not a horrible day... just one of those that nothing seems to go right. When you look on the bright side of things, today could have been a lot worse. I could have taught the students a completely wrong subject. Or ended with 26 kids puking or I could have contracted the death virus again. Or I could have been dragged to jail due to stopping habits. Or came home to the gerbil cage knocked upside down with a half eaten gerbil carcass in it. So I guess I'm lucky in the end.

When Mike called to say he was one his way home from work just now, I declared it a pizza night. Why tempt burning down the house or exploding the grill on a case of Mondays when you can order out? Oh yeah, that's right, Monday... I just outsmarted you!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it could've been worse.... blah blah blah. Say it like it is. That is one crap for crap day. I think you should declare a spa night for yourself.

Andi said...

Man- My bad day stopped after noon. Yous just kept on going.

I'm with Sam. You've earned a wallow in self pity, girl movie, long bath sort of evening.

Andi said...

PS- was it officer North? He is SO HOT.

MEAGAN said...

No, but he is at the schools all the time, so I get to see him regularly :o)

Heidi Kellems said...

I am guessing it's at one of the 3-way stop signs near the school. I was running late one day dropping one child off at Oakdale, the other at Loge. I got pulled over and knew IMMEDIATELY why and even told my kids why before the officer got to the window. Since I have never had any tickets I can be grateful that wasn't my first one. Lesson learned...NEVER roll stop while school is in session.