August 8, 2007

RIP Avenger

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Today, my sister got some sad news. Her car, the cherry red Avenger, has died. Don't worry, she didn't get in an accident... her car just stopped working. Cause of death is still unknown... the mechanics haven't been able to pinpoint what the problem is. They thought it was something with the internal computer and attempted to rebuild it, but with no luck. Dave, our go-to car guy, said that they could put a new computer in, but it would cost some big bucks and there was no guarantee that it would fix the problem. He recommended to trade it in. Sam's not thrilled with the news because she loved the Avenger. And so did my dad, it was his car before he gave it to her.

But there is good news for her. It looks like she will be getting something like this:
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It's a 2004 Silver Neon. She test drove it over here today and it looks like a pretty nice car. It's no Avenger, but it's no clunker either. Dave is cutting my dad a deal on it. He's writing off all the work he had to do on the Avenger plus is knocking about $2000 off the price... so basically he's taking care of us and isn't making a dime on the sale. He is the greatest car guy ever... my family has bought every single car we've owned from him for good reason. I'm not sure when she'll be getting it, but it should be sometime very soon.

So rest in peace, red Avenger. You were a good car while you lasted.


Andi said...

The new car looks nice! And it has 4 doors. Yay!

Anonymous said...

*sniff sniff*

Perri said...

Hey, I think it looks like a great little car.