August 25, 2007

Look at that dog wearing a backpack...

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Scout got a doggie backpack in the mail today. I was browsing the camping gear on ebay last week and stumbled on one of these babies. I found the thought of walking down the street with people pointing and saying, "Look at that dog wearing a backpack!" simply irresistible. Next thing I know, I bid $5 and won it. Woohoo! Mike made fun of me for buying it, but he ended up laughing harder than I did while we watched her walk around sideways in it. And I told him it would be just like having a really, really excited purse on legs. Because everyone needs one of those, right?


Anonymous said...

Hahaha you can put your cell phone in there. Now when it rings, you not only have to find it, but you also have to catch it. It's a good exercise plan too.

Perri said...

Scout looks rediculous - BUT I can certainly see the value of not having to carry your own water. Scout could now pack your picnic for you - or some cupcakes for a little roadside snack.

BTW - next time you make a batch of Ding Dongs, I want one.

Andi said...

Man- Do you think Sophie would wear it?