August 6, 2007

Last Ditch Effort

Today I submitted my last job application for this school year. It is for a special education aide position at the elementary school that I student taught at. I took my resume, cover letter, and recommendation letters to the school office in person, so hopefully I will get an interview. This is probably the best chance I have of getting a steady job with benefits this year... I have experience at that school, an awesome recommendation from the teacher I worked with there, and some special education experience. But I'm not holding my breath... the fact I haven't gotten a single interview all summer has really killed my self esteem in the job department.

If I don't get this job, it looks like I will be subbing again for awhile. Being a substitute really isn't all that bad... good hours and decent pay. It's just I'm looking for something a little more permanent. It's stressful not knowing where I'll be from day to day or if I'll even have a job, it's hard knowing all the different schools' procedures and rules, and I absolutely hate the feeling of not knowing exactly what to do. But if that is what I have to do in order to eventually get a great job that I love, I will do it. I'm going to make some business cards with my name and number to give to teachers at the local schools to keep on hand. I'm already some of the teachers' go to girl, which is awesome! Maybe another year of subbing is what it will take, and who knows, something else might open up between now and May. Please pray that I get this interview, or else a lot of subbing jobs throughout the year!


Perri said...

Meagan, I'm praying you get a job soon. I know you will make a great teacher!

How's the house contract coming along?

Andi said...

All will be well!