July 11, 2007

The Bald Eagle has landed...

My dad arrived home safe and sound from Puerto Rico today! He sounds like he is very glad to be home, and it seems that it was actually a worthwhile trip for him and his company. We'll be going over to see him a little later after he catches up on some sleep.

Nothing else to report really... Mike and I have waged war on the house for the past two days. So far we have the bedroom totally clean and prepped to paint, we've wiped down all but two of the (horribly gross) window blinds, and have thoroughly vacuumed the the floors and baseboards. Tomorrow we are taking our ever growing pile of junk in the basement to the Goodwill Store and I still need to work on cleaning the kitchen and bathroom really well, but after that we should be ready to get to the real work as soon as we get the contract for the house. We still haven't heard anything else about it... I think Mike is going to call our landlord this weekend if we don't hear from her this week. I really hope everything goes as planned... I'm starting to get very anxious about it. But what will be, will be, I suppose. At least we have a super clean house either way! Wahoo!

And in Marley news, he's made friends with Ringo and Scout and acts like he's just one of the herd. Scout loves to give him kisses and Ringo likes to play hide, seek, and attack with him. Looks like it was another successful animal adoption!