July 6, 2007

Nothing new to report....

So how about a recipe? Inspired by my Grandma Nancy, I've been making my own personal recipe book like she kept throughout her life. I've been keeping one for the past two years now in the hopes of one day publishing my own book, so I'm always trying out new recipes. Last night I made a baked spicy chicken for the first time. It said it was a Indian chicken recipe, but I thought most Indian food used curry. Maybe it used cumin instead? I dunno! Whatever it is, it's a pretty good recipe, especially if you like super spicy stuff. Since we usually like our food a little on the hotter side, I decided to really slather on the spice, using all of the rub on only 2 chicken breasts instead of the recommended 4. Bad idea because we just about burned all of our tastebuds off. After the first couple of bites we topped it with some sour cream just to cut the heat a little. Next time I'll definitely use a lot less rubbing mixture then I put on it, just for our tounges' sakes. Even though it was hot, I still really liked it.

Here's the recipe:

4-5 chicken breasts
3 T oil
1 T cumin
1.5 T paprika
1.5 tsp cayenne pepper
1.5 tsp black pepper
3 tsp salt (less if you're not a huge salt fan)
3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped & smashed
6 T lemon juice (I used lime)

Mix the cumin, paprika, cayenne, salt, pepper, garlic, and lemon juice together. Pat the chicken dry and cut several deep gashes in each breast. Rub the mixture into the chicken really well, making sure you get some into the gaps. Place spiced chicken into a casserole dish and set aside for 3 hours (I skipped the 3 hours and cooked immediately).

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Brush the tops of the spiced chicken with the oil. Bake the chicken for 20 minutes, then turn and bake for another 25 minutes, until tender. Baste the chicken with any drippings and serve. (I think you could grill this too, you just wouldn't have all of the drippings.)

Yum yum!