July 18, 2007

This and That

Update on Mike's job... he likes it! Hey Mikey! (haha) Anyways, he is just training in this week, but has already started some of the tutoring. He says the teaching part will be a breeze, he's just concerned about the paperwork aspect of it (he's not what you would call an organized person). Aside from that, he believes this job is a really good fit for him, plus will help him out on his resume when he's applying for teaching jobs this fall. Hooray!!

No landlord news yet (surprise, surprise). Getting very annoyed. Sigh.

We finished painting the inside of one of our storage closets. It used to be a very 1970s pale sea foam green, so lovely. It now has white walls and brown shelves and trim. It took a lot longer to do than I thought it would take, but it looks really nice now. One down, only four to go!

We got a new toilet seat. It's wooden and fancy. It may not seem exciting to you, but hey, it was big news for us. We had to get a new one because our old one ripped in half. I blame that on Mike (haha).

Marley Cat has definitely made himself at home and has hit his mischievous kitten stride. We've been thinking that we should have called him Diablo. He loves to climb everything and march over our heads while we are sleeping. We'd think he was evil if he wasn't so darn cute.

Well enough rambling.