July 14, 2007

Waiting and waiting and waiting....

Oh yes, we're still waiting on our landlord to get us the contract for our house. Two weeks ago, she told us that she was waiting on her lawyer to finish up the contract and would drop it off to us within the week. She also said to hold off on paying July's rent so that it would go towards the payment of the house. Mind you, that was two weeks ago. Tired of waiting on her, Mike called today to see when we could expect to see a contract. Apparently she hasn't even gotten it started because doesn't want to pay a lawyer $300 to make one and wants us to pay July's rent before we sign anything because she's got bills to pay. Hmmm... funny how much her story has changed...

So the newest story is that she's having a friend write something up for her this weekend and she'll try to get a hold of us on Monday so we can look it over. I hope she follows through this time, although I'm not really holding my breathe, but I guess we'll see. We're starting to get really irritated with this. We started this whole process in May, were told we'd have things done by the end of June, and it's now the middle of July and still no progress. She's just made one excuse after the other about why things haven't gotten done, and while we've been very patient and understanding about the situation, we're getting kind of fed up and frustrated because we are soooo ready to start working on things before the hectic school year starts up again.

Grrr. I suppose it will happen when it's meant to happen, but dang it, I'm too impatient for this! Our plan of action now is just to keep calling every few days until we annoy the bajeez out of her enough to get something done. Please pray that this deal happens quickly and without much more hassle... hopefully we'll be homeowners by the end of the month!


Andi said...

THis just irritates me FOR you. I hate that kind of crap. Ugh.