July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Today was such a great day! Food, friends, fun... can it get any better than that? But that's not the real reason for the post tonight. Sometimes I think that people forget that the freedoms we have today come at a cost. My uncle, Bill Frakes, was a Marine that had to make the ultimate sacrifice for his country. He was killed in the line duty on July 4, 1970 while in Vietnam when he was only 19 years old. 19...I can't even imagine. Although I never got to meet him, I hear the stories my mom tells of him and it makes me proud to know that he was brave enough to fight and give his life for his country. Today, take a little time to remember those who risk their lives daily for our continued freedoms and for those who have come before us to do the same. Happy 4th of July!