July 2, 2007

Soon to be homeowners??

When Mike and I moved back to my hometown after college, we began renting the house we live in now. It's a nice little 2 bedroom place that has been just perfect for us. Sure, the basement floods anytime we get a big rain and the window glass is so thin that we can feel the wind gust in the winter, but that's all to be expected in a rental house. Well about a month ago, our landlord made us an offer on the house. A very good offer to be exact. She wanted to sell us the house on contract from her for $70,000, no down payment, with payments of $600/ month (our normal rent payment now).

At first we didn't think it was possible for us. But after she made us the offer, it was amazing how we began to look at the house differently. The horrible orange carpet in the bedrooms could be replaced easily... the roof could probably hold out one more year before we had to reshingle it... the basement could be changed from "the punishment room" to a decent utility/laundry area. With a little TLC, we could make this slightly ghetto house into a home! Plus no down payment or bank loan! That's the only way we'd be able to even think about buying a house for the next few years! With the outlook that this might be the opportunity we have been praying for, we contacted our landlord and got the ball rolling.

So in anticipation of getting the house, Mike and I have been doing a few fixes here and there. We put in the new mailbox that has been sitting in the basement for who knows how long, we've pulled up the rotten linoleum underneath the sink and sealed and repainted under there, and have been doing some serious cleaning and reorganizing throughout the whole house. We've held off putting any real money into the house until it's officially ours, thinking that this is all just too good to be true. But now we've heard that the contract is being written up by a lawyer and aren't expected to pay July's rent until we've signed so it will go towards the $70K. So if all goes well (and please please pray that is does!), we should be signing the papers sometime this week and be homeowners by the weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hey, this blog entry looks great! Your going to be spending all your time blogging now aren't you? Anyway, I'm looking forward to being a homeowner as well and can't wait to de-ghetto the house with you. Mike

Perri said...

YOu forgot to mention that ALL of your payments go toward the loan amount. No interest! Can't beat that with a stick. It can be a really cute house.

I'm so happy for you guys.