July 22, 2007

Potter Pictures!

So here they are... pictures from the Harry Potter book release!

Cast of characters:
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Me as Bellatrix Lestrange and Sam as Narcissa Malfoy... evil witch sisters!

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Mom and Dad as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley

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And Mike as the relucant Harry Potter

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What a fun family, huh?

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Here's me and Sam again. We're so cool... or so we thought after our initial embarrassment of being in public like this wore off (also note the nametags we made... we wanted to make sure everyone knew who we were... such neeeeeeeerds!).

At Barnes and Noble, we spent most of our time people watching. Sam kept pointing out different people who were dressed up, saying, "Look at that freak!" I kept having to remind her that WE were the freaks that night. We had some of the best costumes there, if I do say so myself. Random people even took our pictures because we looked so awesome.

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Here's our very staged picture of me and Sam waiting in line a few minutes before midnight. Really, we were way too excited to sleep. Borderline giddy, in fact.

While we waited in line forever, the boys were doing this.
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Dad was such a good sport... he wore his goofy costume the whole time. Mike was happy to spend his time playing nintendo in a comfy, cushy chair.

Around 12:45, we finally got our books!

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We love Harry!

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I'm not quite sure what we're doing here... Harry disco party? I told you we were giddy!

We all rushed home and read until the wee hours of the morning, then woke up, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready for more. I think we all finished well within 24 hours of getting the book and enjoyed every second. And it was A-MAZ-ING! Best book of the whole series! I won't say anymore because you need to read it yourself.

It was such a fun night, and really I have my entire family to thank for that... it's one memory that I will remember for the rest of my life. We may be crazy and TOTAL dorks... but isn't that what life is all about?


Anonymous said...

It was a fun night! I love the whole series, but this last book was sooooo intense and awesome!

Jada said...

I agree...the book was incredible! You're costume was GREAT!

Perri said...

Your family rocks! Mike sure lucked out marrying into such craziness!

Great costumes all around.

Trin said...

Awesome costumes, you guys look great!! Loved the book (of course) very intense, I couldn't put it down!!