July 20, 2007

Radio Silence

Well tonight is the night! At approximately 10pm, my whole family and I will be at Barnes in Noble, in full costume, awaiting the release of the very last Harry Potter book! I CANNOT WAIT! My sister and I have been working on costumes all day... complete with wands and everything. We've even talked my dad into dressing up! I'll be sure to post some pictures later this week after I finish the book, but until then, there will be complete radio silence. I will be disconnecting myself from the real world until at least Sunday, holing up in my house and reading my little heart out. I hope that the ending lives up to all my expectations and that it will be a satisfying ending to a wonderful obsession series... I guess I'll find out soon! Until then, over and out!


Jada said...

I so totally need to see the pictures! lol. I am so excited about this book but Ben is the lucky one and gets to read it first. I told him he better be done by Sunday cause that's when I'm taking it away.mwahaha