July 8, 2007

Thunder over Petersville

Yesterday, Mike and I took a trip up to Columbus to see his family and to join in the fun at the
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We spent a little time with Mike's folks and visited his friend, Tim. We rode his giant 4 wheeler and went through creeks and stuff (without getting muddy, woo!). After that, we headed over to his sister's house where Thunder over Petersville was being held. The party was complete with food, fun games, and of course, the fireworks. Mike's dad contributed quite a few big ones while all the other guys there had some to add too. After "warming up" with the lighting of the bottle rockets, they commenced to the big, sparkley ones. They were actually quite impressive! There were only a few stray shots into the crowd, and one particularly exciting misfire into a pile of unlit fireworks that got all those manly men a-running! Good times!

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Mike and I getting ready for fireworks!

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