July 3, 2007

Just call me Martha...

Or not, in this case. Tired of complaining about the inch wide gap underneath our side door in which our precious air conditioning likes to escape, I decided to get down to business and do some research online. After googling a bit, I came across this nifty little site called NotMartha.org.

It has a how-to section to make a few easy improvements to your home. That's where I found step by step directions to make the door draft stopper. So with a few bucks and some determination, I bought some pipe foam, rummaged around in the basement for an old pillowcase and borrowed my mom's sewing machine and got to work. Surprisingly, it only took me an hour to make... just 20 minutes if you take away the time it took me to figure out how to thread the sewing machine (I'm definitely not Martha...). Needless to say, my little draft stopper may not be as pretty or as technically sound as the one on the website, but it does the job and will be saving us a little $$ on our electric bill. With that project successfully completed, I now have visions of making a shoe rack for Mike's closet sometime in the near future.


Perri said...

Whoa there Sunshine! You can make the same thing for a whole LOT less money than what they want you to spend. I probably have all the stuff you need in my garage already. You're welcome to it.

Perri said...

I love the notmartha site though. A keeper for sure.